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  • Writer's pictureKristyl Neho

What to Let Go and What To Pursue: Passionately Failing Towards Success.

Updated: Sep 5, 2022

I am currently doing 3 challenges in my life. Two of them I have consistently committed to and other one is 45% done. One is based around my theme for the year and my year-long challenge ‘Passionately Failing Towards Success’ which is all about encouraging myself to consistently step outside my comfort zone and take action on my goals and dreams. This is week 34 and as a part of this challenge, I write weekly Blogs to reflect and document how it’s going and whether I am giving it my all. I can definitely say I have done my best and can always improve.

I am also doing a 100 Day Challenge to work on other areas of my life and am going public to hold myself accountable to committing to it. Today marks the 21st day. The third one I'm doing is our Maia Dreams 30 Day Self Growth Journal and I am excited to start that again when our journals get here this week. I have been doing these challenges to help me identify what I need to let go of as well as what I need and want to do more of. It is helping me do the things that I don’t want to do that will eventually help me grow and improve. These challenges are helping me to become the woman I was destined to be. They are helping me to get clearer steps to take moving forward. I know that a lot of what I am doing in my life, business and career, is really good but it is at a cost to my own happiness and a lot of it demands so much of my time. Time that is not offering me joy or the best outcomes. So, I have been reflecting on what I can do more of this week and what I can afford to let go. This is making me feel a lot lighter. This week, I want to share some of those things with you.

What I am letting go of

Doing fewer in person programs with higher quality of work.

Not chasing anything but valuing what I do. I am really good at what I do so I need to be compensated according to my worth.

I decided this weekend to not have any more children. I've always wanted 6 but I realise now I do not want anymore.

I have also decided not to date anymore and stay single for the pursuit of my business and career and being the best mum I can be. I realise life is a lot easier without a relationship.

Doing too many things in my business that create overwhelm and stress. We are going to be doing less with better execution, delivery and quality.

I am letting go of perfection and the fear of other people's judgement of me and what I do.

Worrying about what everyone else wants from me and to start doing what I want.

Ignoring the haters that don't believe in me. Watch this space.

What I will start doing/pursuing

Writing and producing all my songs.

Completing my 2 books and writing more.

Completing my next solo show, "Tangihanga".

Doing a tour of Tangihanga

Buying a home.

Acting more and getting an agent. Finally!

Launching our resources and books for Maia Dreams

Reaching my health goal!

Hosting and doing more public speaking events. (Even if I have to create events to do it.)

Putting myself out there more.

Being happier!

I have been yearning a lot in my life knowing that I could do better and be better. Yes, I am grateful for where I am and I have learnt so much. I have been privileged to have a lot of opportunities this year although I believe that choosing myself and my daughter first will benefit me more in the long run. I also know I am not dreaming big enough so that is what I have been doing. Am I scared? Absolutely! But, I am more excited. I believe we have more potential than we could ever dream of and I don’t want to live my life knowing I didn’t give it my all. Freeing up more space to do more of what I love makes sense. A lot of what I have been doing in my life has been more draining and I don’t want that anymore. Instead, I am relishing how I excited I am to see where this direction takes me - of doing more of the things I love.

Photography Credit PJ Sheperd

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