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  • Writer's pictureKristyl Neho

Things I Will Stop Doing until 2023: ‘Passionately Failing Towards Success’.

Updated: May 24, 2022

I have always been an open book and I candidly share my life in person and online. As you know, with that comes a free for all platform to be judged and ridiculed. However, with that also comes the opportunity to share and inspire others. The biggest thing I have been talking about lately is that we need to figure out the life that works best for us and our way. What works for us is different for others because this is our journey to walk. As with everything in life I am always trying to work it all out and that takes time. So in this week's Blog I am going to share a few things that I will stop doing until 1st January 2023. This will give me time to evaluate if this helps me improve my life and see what the outcomes are.


I share a lot of my life with people online and at times, that comes with a lot of judgment. However, I will no longer allow any haters or trolls to get to me even for a second or stop me from doing me. As I start to grow, it will likely get worse so I will make this one of my biggest focus.


Sometimes, I focus on perfection, or on the fact that many people don’t believe in me. But I realize that they are not living my life and I owe no one and have nothing to prove to the world. I need to do my best, believe in myself 100% and focus on doing what it takes to achieve my goals. So every time doubt myself, I will repeat my mantra 'I have the power to achieve anything I consistently work on'.


I am in a new phase in my life and I have been feeling scared and overwhelmed. It's normal and it means I am growing and achieving. But because of this fear, I have been stress eating and reaching out for sugars. I learnt and know enough coping strategies so I will be cutting off this coping mechanism as of now. I will let you know how that goes.


Make sure to enjoy myself more. Sometimes, I am always working on achieving goals that I forget to take time out to have fun. I want to focus on hanging out with my daughter, family and friends more and have fun. I need to start enjoying life more.


I have definitely gotten way better at this but I want to improve more. I can sometimes compare myself to others online who are getting more engagement or people in my life who seem to have more than I do. I wonder at times what I am doing wrong. But I want to be my authentic self so comparison won't help. So if that means it is a quiet, lonely and long journey getting there, then so be it. It is better than trying to compare and chase something that doesn't help me to be the best version of myself.


I believe I can achieve anything I put my mind to but at the same time, I sometimes lack faith. A lot of the time, it is because things don’t happen in the way I want or in the way I hoped for. Everything I want to achieve in life comes at such a struggle so it makes me question things a lot. But I pondered on the thought that if I believe in myself more, will I grow more and get farther? This is something I want to find out. Also I need to realise that this may just be a part of life.


Similar to the one before but I can sometimes be my biggest supporter or my worst critic. I am going to work on quieting the chatter box in my head that doesn't help me be my best. I moan way too much so will see how this goes.


I always need to get rid of anything or anyone that is not helping my life be better. Life can be rough so any way that I can create a positive healthy space, I will be making my top priority.


I need to say no more to people and projects. I am great at what I do but I tend to do things for none to barely any pay. This takes time away from doing what would bring more value into my life. So moving forward if it takes time away from bigger priorities I will be saying NO!


I have had horrendous things happen in my past and I have allowed some of those things to hold me back. I will no longer allow my past to hold me back. So today, I wrote some of those old beliefs I had and rewrote them in a positive statement and will be repeating those statements everyday until I start to believe them.

To improve our lives, we have to be check in with ourselves regularly. We have to know our purpose, our goals and direction in life. We also have to know what is holding us back, behaviours that are hampering our growth and make the necessary changes. I am excited to see what changes will occur from eliminating these things from my life. Living our best lives is not an overnight process but an ongoing one.

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