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  • Writer's pictureKristyl Neho

Pondering on Success, Balance & Priorities: 'Passionately failing Towards Success'.

I am a bit late writing last week's Blog due to a busy schedule and a visit to the hospital. As always, however, I still want to commit to staying consistent so despite the delay, here is last week's Blog. I recently learned how important it is to take care of myself and to listen to my body. If we don't listen to our body, then it will let us know in unpleasant ways like mine did. I definitely felt an exhaustion that really scared me. So I spent 2 days at the hospital for a blood and iron transfusion as well as a few other check ups and I am now slowly on the mend. One thing I have been mulling over is how much time is needed for my business and in my life to succeed. I have been questioning if it is all worth it and I've been wondering if it will always be this time consuming. I usually spend anywhere between 9 to 12 hours a day working on something in my career or business. I have been trying not to work so hard and last week's health scare made me stop, reflect and think about a better way of doing things. Today, I spent over 10 hours working on a Funding application and time on it with my team. Yesterday, I already spent 5 hours working on it and before that, another 60 hours on filling it in. Will I get the funding? Who knows? I do hope so, though. What I am starting to realise is that I spend too much time working and I am questioning if it's all worth it. Today, I really felt that it was taking too much time away from my daughter and our time together. She has told me on numerous occasions to spend more time with her and I really want to start putting time aside to be with her. I also realised that I might've gotten boring and consumed with success.

As I sit here writing this Blog, I am wondering:

How do I succeed and do what I love and still have a life?

How do I succeed in my business and career and still have to quality time to spend with my daughter, friends and family?

How do I achieve my financial goals in business so that it helps me to have financial freedom?

How do I achieve success in my life that allows me to travel the world, serve more people without depleting my energy,

How do I get to talk on world stages sharing what I love?

How do I have massive success and still have time to enjoy the small things?

How do I succeed without burning myself out?

I work very hard on various areas of my life such as health, career, finance, social media, creating products and services, conceptualizing, facilitating and delivering programmes and much more. Recently though, I have been questioning if these things will pay off. I see the small growth and know that I am definitely expanding. I do realise the need to learn to prioritize and find more balance in my life. I also need to figure how to do it and still have fun, enjoy life and be a better, more engaged mum and person.

So as always, I am resetting and restarting. Deciding on what my top priorities are and learning to find more balance. I don't have all the answers and I don't have to know everything. But, I will happily share the good, the bad and everything in between.

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