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  • Writer's pictureKristyl Neho

More Lessons from 2022: 'Passionately Failing Towards Success'.

Updated: Jan 9, 2023

I have no interest in competing with anyone else but myself. I'm just trying every day to improve & be better than I was yesterday. I have had the most amazing year of growth from transitioning Maia Dreams from a sole trader to a company, studying my post grad in psychology, having 4 full time staff in Maia Dreams including myself, traveling overseas for mahi, launched our journals, performing arts program, our out of school Confident Me program, launched resources, products, booked all of our Confident Me programs for 2023, started blogging, spent more time with my daughter, completing my script for my next solo show 'Tangihanga', preparing to launch the Indigenous Festival 2024 & so much more.

I have been reflecting on 2022 and what this challenge has taught me. So, for week 49, I will be sharing some lessons learnt in 2022

1. Get rid of all negative people in your life. Thankfully, I only have amazing people in my close circle. I still have a few haters on my friends list so I will be doing another overhaul of my FB friends list soon.

2. People may judge others for not executing the best book, script, show, idea etc. However, I'd always rather be that person who executes their ideas & goals and from there work on improving it. Not the person who sits their judging yet never does anything because they want perfection.

3. Have those awkward conversations with people especially if it will improve your life. Do those things in your life that you don't want to do because it will make it better.

4. Dream bigger. This year, I've learnt to push myself & I have finally hit the next level. Now I'm at the bottom of that level but excited for the journey ahead.

5. Stay humble! Having more money, education, having the right contacts, knowledge, job role/title, looking good DOES NOT mean you are better than anyone else!!! I will always keep my feet planted firmly in Humility.

6. There is not a shortage of people in need in the world. I'm not competing for your students, clients, customers, schools, people, ideas etc. If people only realised how great collaborations could be & worked more collectively. The ideas I execute or Maia Dreams execute have been years, sometimes over a decade in the making. So don't compete against me. I'll be over here quietly working on my dreams

7. Prioritizing has been my great accomplishment this year. I'm a workaholic & I'm finally learning to not work so much . Giving me more time to spend with my daughter, friends, family, social things & sometimes doing nothing. Thanks to my challenges helping me to get there so quickly.

8. Not everything we put into the world will be liked or get traction or engagement but do it anyway. Especially if the lessons & experience from it will help you to grow.

9. Celebrate my wins all the time! Poppy syndrome or people who secretly hate has no space in my life We need to be our biggest fans.

10. Putting trust in God is not always easy but I'll prevail as long as I am doing my best & continuing to let him prevail in my life.

11. Life is too short to worry about what everyone else thinks of me & what I do. I'm grateful to do what I love & be around people who I love. I am proud of the person I've become.

12. Lastly, I've consistently been learning to identify what holds me back. Definitely a work in progress but I've been able to unpack some childhood trauma that held me back & change some of my thinking

I will be spending the next few weeks really reflecting and working on my goals for 2023 & excited for my journey for me & for my girl

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