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  • Writer's pictureKristyl Neho

Making 2023 My Most Epic Year: 'Passionately Failing Towards Success'.

This year's challenge is focused around the theme of "Passionately Failing Towards Success". It is all about taking bigger leaps into the unknown, being fearless and being willing to fail. It has helped me grow more than I expected, and it has been my biggest year for growth and success. It has taught me that the more you take a chance and step outside your comfort zone, the more you learn about who you are. I also found out that that doing this invites more opportunities as you continue to learn and upskill. What I am now excited about is finishing this year's challenge in 9 weeks, spending a week reflecting on what I have learned and starting my new 2023 yearlong challenge soon.

As I mentioned before, 2021 was the best year of my life whereas 2022 has been my biggest year of growth and I see 2023 being the most epic year yet. It will be that year where all my hard mahi/work will come to fruition and the accumulation of all the years I have put in will finally pay off. So, my theme and challenge for next year will revolve around "Positively Flourishing Epically".

With 10 weeks remaining until a new year begins, I really want to ponder on how to make my upcoming challenge more epic than the last ones. I want to utilize all the lessons that I have learnt this year to serve as a solid foundation for 2023 that will really make it thrive and succeed. Hence, my incoming theme for 2023 being "Positively Flourishing Epically". What does it mean? I used the word "Positively" to express optimism, agreement, or acceptance. "Flourishing" denotes developing rapidly and successfully. "Epically" means monumental achievements, remarkable or something that is awesome, great or unforgettable. In a nutshell, it means 2023 will be full of enthusiasm and optimism as I work successfully towards accomplishing great things. And for my 42nd weekly blog, I want to share a few ways on how I will achieve this challenge.

Make sure that the goals I work on are done with optimism & joy

Sometimes I focus on the completion of a task to much that I can be a little serious about pursuing the end results. This somehow makes me miss the chance to appreciate the journey enough. This coming year, I want to make sure to leave space to enjoy the process more.

Push myself outside of my comfort zone to experience new things

This year, I have focused on ‘Passionately Failing Towards Success’. I'm aware that I did so many things that made me feel uncomfortable or made me feel as though I failed or I was overwhelmed. It made me experience new things and I learnt so about myself. So I will continue to step outside my comfort zone.

Take bigger leaps forward

Next year, I intend to do bigger things that scare me. I am already working on some big events, goals and opportunities for 2023. To do Epic things, I must make epic choices and decisions.

Do less work with more quality

To do epic things, the quality of what we do has to be at an extremely high level of professionalism and quality. To achieve this, we have been working strategically to be organised and working on to execute a clear plan. I have been working on my vision board and goals and putting a plan in place. It is all about doing less but better!

All about the groundwork

In order to do amazing work, laying out the groundwork is necessary. Foundation allows a plan to be clearly executed. It is looking at the overall picture and goals and making sure all the moving pieces are in place. Execution and having a core team of hardworking individuals are also equally important.

Balance in Life

I am a very goal oriented individual. I definitely want next year to be epic, but I want to make sure that I also enjoy life a bit more. Life is not just hard work but there should also enough time to rest, play and socialize.

I know we each have so much potential to grow beyond what we do in our day to day lives. I have learnt that when we consistently take action, we create momentum and that momentum creates habits and those habits create new behaviors which play a key role in the development of emotions and decision making. We begin to make small changes and those small changes over time, create transformations. I am excited to make 2023 the best and most Epic year yet!

Photography Credit: PJ Sheperd

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