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  • Writer's pictureKristyl Neho

Listening To My Body: 'Passionately Failing Towards Greatness'

For this week's blog, I'm going to somewhat continue the thoughts I shared with you guys on my last post, "Going Back To Basics". And if we're going to talk about basics, health is on top of the list. Our overall well-being is one of the most basic things we need to return to because it dictates the course of our lives. If we're healthy, we're off to a good start. If we're not, we'll probably get stuck in a rut and will have a really hard time getting out of it.

And that's what happened to me. I am a workaholic. Not proud of it but I can't deny it, either. I work insanely long, and I sometimes don't even pause for food. I've gone to a point where I became obsessed with finishing off a list, doing a program, working more than 13 hours a day, accepting projects left and right without any regard for rest nor capacity. And that took its toll eventually. I get cranky that even my daughter sometimes gets the brunt of it. My anemia brought me to the hospital and I simply felt depleted on top of it all.

This was when I realized that I wasn't taking care of myself the way I should. I keep taking care of everything and everyone else at the expense of my own well-being. And that has to change. I have a daughter I want to see grow up to become the woman that God destined her to be, I have a business to run and staff to take care of, I have a career that I want to continue, books to write and so many more things I want to accomplish in this lifetime. This prompted my decision to really take a good look at myself and how I treat ME. I can no longer ignore the signs my body has been giving me because it's been progressively distinct within the last few months.

And with these realisations, I started to pay more attention to my body. I began to listen to it when it's giving me signs that I either have to slow down or rest. I learnt to take a deep breath when I get overwhelmed. Slowly, I'm beginning to get more in sync with my body as I learn to listen to it more than ever. And there are some things that I'm also learning to do as I continue to take accountability for my health and I'd like to share them with you:

Know Your Limits

If you've been a long time reader of my blog, you'd know that I'm involved in a lot of things. My life is full to the brim and I've always been a go-getter. I also work too much and there was a time when I landed in the hospital because my anemia got worse. Don't let this happen to you. Know your limits and definitely avoid pushing yourself unnecessarily. Pace yourself and know your priorities because you can really only do so much. Reaching my limits has taught me that I should listen to my body because it's telling me something important: I can't do everything. I get that now.

Exercise Mind and Body

Take care of your mental health. Our body is not the only thing that we need to exercise because without the mind, we won't be able to function at all. Your mind is the sanctuary of your soul and it needs as much nourishing as your body. This is why mental health is very important to everyone. And as I continue to listen to my body, I discovered how much power my mind has over everything - my emotions, my intellect, my bodily functions, my happiness, my tolerance, my spirituality, and even the way I can control my thoughts. This made me more aware that taking care of my mental health is just as important as exercising my body. A healthy mind is like giving my soul a breath of fresh air.

Stay In Your Happy Zone

Part of taking care of one's mental health (like I've mentioned above) is learning how to say NO to negativity. There are already so much devastation in the world, and I really don't need the added stress of wading through things and people that do not add value to my life. This is why I usually keep to my own lane where I decide who I want to invite into my circle. I am also learning to brush off unsavory comments on social media because I also use it for work which makes it necessary for me to be in it. You can't please everyone. I've tried. Only to find out that it only leads to disappointment. You also have to pamper yourself sometimes - I love getting a manicure, my lashes done, taking long baths, or just hanging out with my daughter doing silly things together. Happiness is free and I plan to keep finding it every chance I get.

Surround Yourself With Good Food, Good People, Good Energy

What I find really helpful, too, is when I surround myself with everything good. Nothing is perfect but I am trying to make a concious choice of choosing what's best for me. Food, people, energy. And I will no longer simply make do with what's available. Even with men. If I don't think that it's a good fit for me, I will move on and see other options. This way, it lessens the likelihood of me having to deal with toxicity and negative energy around me. Plus, I really prefer not to have too many regrets later on in life so I'm going with the good and throwing out the bad.

Peanut Butter Cups

Don't be so rigid with regimen. Being healthy isn't the same as deprivation. I love Peanut Butter Cups and I'm willing to compensate for it by exercising, or limiting other sweets or the amount of packets I eat just because it makes me happy. It's that simple. I know and respect other people who think that staying on the good lane means cutting most things we love. And that's ok, too! For me, though, as long as I'm not overdoing what I love, it's safe to say I won't be denying myself a little cup of hapiness every now and then. Indulgence isn't the worse thing in the word especially if you do it in moderation. After all, life is too short, don't you think?

Listen To Your Body

Life does not have a pause button. We need to do what we need to do. But, like I've said earlier, we can't do everything. I'm now learning how to set my priorities, recognise my limits, and eventually, pacing myself so that I don't crash and burn. I know it's not going to be an easy road but I've always loved challenges and this is one of those that I'm very determined to achieve. Not only for my sake, but for my daughter, so that I can take care of her and see her grow up to be the lovely lady I know she's going to be. And then, when she grows up, I will pass on the valuable lessons that I've been fortunate to learn in this life. One of those lessons is that she needs to love and listen to her body - because it's the only one she'll ever live in and I want her to live in it for a very, very long time.

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