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  • Writer's pictureKristyl Neho

Finally pursuing my passions and choosing me first.

It has been an extraordinary year of pushing myself outside of my comfort zone in business. However, many times to the point of debilitation. Have you ever felt like you were constantly juggling a million things, always putting others' needs before your own? Well, that was me. I found myself caught up in a whirlwind of responsibilities, obligations and tasks. Don't get me wrong, I do love helping others and especially being there for my loved ones, but somewhere along the way, I lost sight of what truly made my heart sing. I was trying my best to serve others and having to deal with people's unrealistic expectations of me. People were starting to demand too much from me without reciprocating. This left me exhausted and burnt out.

I had many months delivering 12 programs a week, having long days of back to back meetings, rehearsals, not a lot of sleep and many months having to pay up to 18 people. That kind of pressure with no payoff didn't seem worth it anymore. I started questioning what I got myself into. The judgments, the responsibilities, the high stakes, the endless tasks, minimal outcomes despite all the work me and my team were doing no longer held any value.

It hit me like a ton of bricks one day when I realized that I was getting further and further away from the things that I was not only good at but also genuinely loved doing. It was as if my own dreams and passions were buried under a mountain of to-do lists and never-ending tasks. That's when I decided it was time for a change. Working myself ragged was not not conducive to a happy life. So I finally decided to start a new chapter and journey towards fulfilling my passions and finally pursuing what I love.

Since making that decision the last few months have come with some hate, stress and negative repercussions but for the most part I'm finally happy! I have been embarking on a journey of self-discovery, determined to reconnect with my strengths, talents and passions. It wasn't an easy decision or road to take, but so worth it!

As I embark on a new chapter I have reflected on 20 lessons I have learnt running my business.

1. Persistence to keep going.

2. Adaptability to pivot.

3. Customer satisfaction should be a top priority.

4. Staying focused on your goals.

5. Continuously learn and improving.

6. Surround yourself with a strong team.

7. Embrace innovation and change.

8. Build strong relationships with suppliers and partners.

9. Stay on top of industry trends and developments.

10. Manage your finances wisely.

11. Stay organized and prioritize tasks.

12. Effective communication is essential.

13. Take calculated risks.

14. Stay ahead of the competition.

15. Embrace technology and automation.

16. Stay true to your values and mission.

17. Build a strong brand identity.

18. Stay connected with your target market.

19. Seek feedback and listen to your customers.

20. Take care of yourself and maintain a healthy work-life balance. I did struggle with this but glad I finally decided to take care of myself and I refused to give up on my dreams.

I realized that in order to pursue what I loved, I needed to prioritize my own happiness and well-being. So, I am finally making time for myself and embracing my new path. It is saying "no" to many things and ultimately saying yes to so many opportunities I said no too before because of my schedule. I'm allowing myself time to indulge in the things that bring me joy, whether performing more, writing, filming or dusting off my old guitar and start strumming those familiar chords. I'm securing more gigs, have booked events to perform at and working on a number of projects. I am enjoying continuing my weekly blogs and shows. I am especially connecting and reconnecting with friends and some many like-minded individuals.

I'm finally looking forward to my future, pursuing my passions and having more time to be with my daughter, family and friends.

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