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  • Writer's pictureKristyl Neho

Being Real: Embracing Imperfection and Growth

Life is not perfect and I will never pretend that it is. This year, I have challenged myself to work on becoming the greatest version of myself hence the theme for the year ‘Passionately Failing Towards Greatness’. That I have learnt is no easy feat and to do that, I have to step out of my comfort zone, be vulnerable, face my fears, and challenge myself to become a better and new version of myself.

It's easy to get caught up in the idea of perfection. We see it all around us, in social media, in movies, and in the lives of those around us. We often feel the pressure to present ourselves as perfect, to hide our flaws and imperfections. But if you have been following me long enough you will know that I am willing to share the good, the bad and everything in between. Like last night's post for example about wanting to give up because I really want to at times. The truth is, no one is perfect, and that's okay.

Being real means embracing imperfection and growth. It means acknowledging our flaws and weaknesses and working on them to become a better version of ourselves. It means being vulnerable and honest with ourselves and others, even when it's uncomfortable. The more I have shared the less I care what the world thinks of me because I know me and I am confident in myself to share.

Stepping out of our comfort zone can be scary, but it's necessary for growth. It's where we learn new things, develop new skills, and discover new passions. It's where we challenge ourselves to become better and stronger. This year, I have challenged myself to step out of my comfort zone and try new things. I have taken up new hobbies, worked at a level I have never worked out, put myself in more uncomfortable situations than ever before, reached out and asked for help and met new people. I have faced my fears and pushed myself to do things that scare me. And while it has at times been debilitating it has been worth it. I also acknowledge that the moments when I feel debilitated can be triggered by stress, anxiety, or past traumas. During these moments, I feel overwhelmed, anxious, and unable to function, but I recognize that these moments are a part of the journey towards growth and self-improvement. They are not a sign of weakness, but rather an opportunity to learn and grow. It's okay to take a step back, to seek help, and to take care of ourselves during these moments.

It's important to have a support system that can help us navigate through these moments and remind us of our strength and resilience. To remember that growth is not a linear process. There will be setbacks and challenges along the way, but these moments do not define us. We can learn from them, grow from them, and continue on our journey towards becoming the greatest version of ourselves.

Sharing my vulnerabilities has allowed me to connect with others on a deeper level and build trust. It also shows that I am human and that I have my own struggles and challenges. By being open and honest about my own difficulties, I hope to inspire others to do the same and create a safe space for people to share their own vulnerabilities. I believe that by acknowledging the complexity of life and being willing to talk about the tough stuff, we can all learn and grow together. So, I will never pretend that the road is simple because it's not, but I will always be willing to share my experiences and support others on their journey.

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