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  • Writer's pictureKristyl Neho

Adventures in the Philippines (Part 3-Lessons I learnt): Passionately Failing Towards Success

Updated: Jan 9, 2023

For week 48 and for the last part of my Philippines Adventure, I want to share a few lessons I learnt.

Big Decisions can be made Quickly

Sometimes, I overthink and make quick decisions. I realise if there are ideas that have been in the thinking and planning process for a while, then decisions on when to execute should be made sooner rather than later. One thing I have done over the last 10 years is take action on executing goals and ideas and putting it out into the world. At times they aren’t always the best, the greatest or even look good. However, I’m glad I have because I have been able to improve on it,upskill, connect with people and more. Compare this to the times I don’t and it is still just a thought and idea in my head. I cannot improve on something that hasn’t been done yet. So try things more and then you have something to work on as opposed to a dream locked in your mind.

Time is the Most important thing in Life

Time is everything in life and what you spend your time on dictates where you go. During my 100 Day challenge which I completed during this I was working on not working so excessively and doing more of the things I love and less of the things I didn’t enjoy. I realized having moments in my life to rest that I was able to do the same amount but in less time. I finally saw that I could still grow and succeed without working too much. This is more so if those excessive hours weren’t propelling my life forward in any significant way.

Importance of a Balanced Life

This leads me on to my next lesson! I want a blanched Life. I don’t want to be working all the time up to 85 hours a week. For what? So I miss out on enjoying my life? Miss out being with my daughter, family and friends? Miss out on having any time to go out? I want to enjoy life. Yes I am grateful to run a business doing many things that I love but not at the expense of being all consumed with only focusing on one area of my life.

Why I was overworking

This gave me time to reflect on why I was working so excessively. I realized that it’s because I was compensating for not feeling good enough. Doing so much was hopefully proving myself, my worth, my capabilities. The question is - Who was I trying to prove it to? I realized that I was trapped in a pattern of thinking entrenched from childhood and it wasn’t helping the woman I was today. So I have been grateful to finally identify this and I have stopped working long hours for a month.

These are a few lessons I learnt getting away from everything and having some much needed time to think. There will always be things in our life that we can reflect on and evaluate. If it is making our life better, keep doing it and improve on it. If it doesn’t feel right, reflect on why and make the necessary changes. Life is not a straight path, it is full of many ups and downs and different paths. It is however our job to decide how that looks.

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