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A High Value Woman: ‘Passionately Failing Towards Success’.

Writer's picture: Kristyl NehoKristyl Neho

I have been thinking a lot about what value I bring to the world. I have also pondered on who I am, where I have been and where I am headed. I can honestly say that I am proud of myself and where I am in life. Some would assume that people who love who they are and back themselves have narcissistic tendencies. Why should it be someone else's job to tell us our worth and what we are capable of?

It has been a journey to finally be at the stage in my life where I genuinely love who I am and value myself a hundred percent. That means I am happy to stay single until I find someone who can match me. I am willing to say no to jobs that aren't in my best interest. I am willing to back myself against those who judge me or lack belief because I know what I am capable of. I am willing to go through challenges that test my sanity and capabilities because they will help me progress in life. I am willing to work hard on things I love, be my biggest fan along the way and passionately speak of things that mean something to me. So this week, I wanted to talk about what I have learned while becoming a High Value Woman and the 7 traits she has.

Know Our Worth

The number one value is to know my worth. It has taken me a while to get here and learn that my physical body, the attention I received from people or men didn’t equate to my validation. Learning that I was beautiful and that I am enough just as I am helped me feel free from an expectation to be something other than who I was. It also keeps me humble knowing that I do not have to compare myself to any other person. I wear what I feel good in and dress for myself. I do my best to treat myself as well when possible and take care of myself mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically.

Be Committed to Learning

One thing that has helped me become my best has been my hunger to always learn and grow everyday. Testing my capabilities, pushing myself outside of my comfort zone, be willing to fail and try new things. Just like doing these Blogs. It is extremely important to always learn and improve. I have also learnt to be ok with my struggles, my weaknesses, the fact that I tend to overthink, work too hard, feel emotional because through it all, I am processing, learning better tools and strategies and growing in knowledge. I am always willing to learn from others and put in the hard work to be my best. This has definitely helped me knowing that we will always be a work in progress and we do not have to know everything.

Self-Aware and Take Ownership

I have learnt to monitor my thoughts and feelings constantly. I know that when I am not thinking good thoughts, I do not feel good. And when I don't feel good, it is likely I am not thinking good thoughts. So, I have to change the way I think and make the necessary changes. I had to learn emotional intelligence and to respect my feelings and thoughts without judgment. I have also realized that it is ok to be upset, hurt, burnt out, annoyed, overwhelmed or over-think things in life. It is absolutely normal and I am glad I know this because people can treat you like you are broken for not being ok. Act as if something is seriously wrong with me for sharing the good, the bad and everything in between. This is why I have made it a priority to know myself more than anyone else. This has allowed me to be more thoughtful of others and take responsibility for the way I feel and respond. There is no growth in blaming others for my circumstances so taking ownership can help us to take charge of our lives.

Willingness to speak up

I know now how important it is to share my thoughts with others. Just recently, I started to have those difficult conversations with people especially if they are affecting my growth. I am willing to set boundaries in my life when it comes to what I will tolerate or not. I treat people how I want to be treated so I have expectations. Running Kristyl the DRAMA Queen, I have had to learn to be less vanilla and be more willing to share my opinions and thoughts with the world. No longer will I hide myself so the haters and trolls don’t come out. I approach sharing my thoughts in a non aggressive and in the kindest way possible. I am willing to share my thoughts, talents, ideas, experiences with the world and will no longer hold back because people are not willing to understand me.

Being Passionate and Dedicated.

I am an extremely passionate person and I continuously work on knowing my purpose, goals, and values in life. I am obsessed with working on it and do not accept any less. I also tend to pursue what I love; obsessively and passionately. When you are a high value woman, you do not give up easily and you are willing to spend the time working on it until you get better or eventually achieve your goal. When you are passionate, you never stop because you either get better or you do things bigger. Even when it is hard, you always continue and give it your best. I am unapologetically in love with what I do and the things I work on. I used to let other people's opinions stop me from trying or I used to be ashamed to show how obsessed and passionate I was with the things I was pursuing in life. Doing what I love unashamedly and proudly has taken a bit of time but my dedication and passion for what I love has offered me so many opportunities in life.

Values and Class

In a world which sells sex as if that is true body positivity, where people will expose all for any kind of attention, it is powerful when a woman doesn't need to seek attention from others constantly because they are comfortable in their own skin. There's no need to compare themselves to others. I am glad to finally be in this place. I have loose skin, bags under my eyes and lot's more but I still love who I am. I don’t need to validate myself to anyone else's standards and it is very freeing. When we value ourselves, we also want to empower those around us. I hold my head up with class and dignity.

Kindness And Empathy

I have always believed that it is important to make people feel their best. I would prefer people leave my presence feeling better about themselves or happier than they did before they saw me. People don’t remember all the smart things you said, or the awesome things you brought, or that amazing holiday you went on more than the kindness or joy you imprinted on them. I don’t always get this right but it is something I consistently work on. Too many people get lost in trying to impress others rather than being present with people in that exact moment they are with them. People just want to be heard, understood and high value women are not afraid to show it.

Becoming a High Value Woman is beautiful and empowering. When we value ourselves, we learn more about who we really are, we learn to set boundaries, learn to surround ourselves with the right people, take ownership of our lives, understand our worth and so much more. I have been able to create a healthy, successful environment and a life where I only surround myself with positive people who value me and who I value. I know what I bring into this world and I love and respect myself. I am and will always be consistently working on being the best version of myself.

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